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Feminine Rejuvenation

CO2RE Intima is a medical laser that delivers controlled energy to the vaginal or vulva tissue – so cells make more collagen – improving skin tone, texture and appearance. The delivery of this laser energy to the vaginal wall stimulates a healing response that also enhances moisture levels in the vaginal canal.

Who is it for?

Loss of vaginal tone can be a side effect of natural childbirth and aging. Over time, the vaginal wall, which contains collagen fibers, can stretch and lose tone and elasticity. Unwanted personal stress can be caused by leaking urine when sneezing or coughing due to loose vaginal tone. Women who have undergone chemotherapy for cancer treatment, or who have had their ovaries removed, or are affected by lichen sclerosis may also greatly benefit from this breakthrough technology offered to you here locally by Dr. Groysman. Painful intercourse, itching or burning in the genital area can occur as we age. Reduced estrogen levels can lead to loss of vaginal lubrication. With CO2RE Intima, Dr. Groysman can now treat these symptoms without medication or surgery.

With CO2RE Intima, women regain their intimate wellness in a non-surgical, proven treatment.

Who Will Do My Treatment?

Dr. Groysman is the only dermatologist in Alabama who is has training in vulvar dermatology. She has done research and has published on topics of lichen sclerosis, lichen planus and vulvodynia. She has practiced vulvar dermatology for 8 years and is an expert in vaginal rejuvenation. She has chosen CO2RE Intima because it is a quick, simple and safe procedure that can be done right in our office.

Is It Painful?

The procedure is virtually painless, requires no anesthesia when performed intravaginaly. Vulvar anesthesia is achieved with topical medication. Procedure typically takes around 15 minutes to treat both internally and externally.

How Many Treatments Will It Require?

Many CO2RE Intima patients feel and see improvement after the first treatment, although the procedure calls for three treatments spaced 3-4 weeks apart for optimal results. After the third treatment, patients should expect an annual maintenance treatment to sustain results.

Is There Downtime?

With CO2re Intima, there is virtually no downtime. Patients can return to normal activities right after the procedure, but should refrain from sexual activity for 7 days.

What Are The Areas That are Treated?

CO2RE Intima is FDA cleared to treat all 3 of a woman’s intimate areas – the vaginal canal, the introitus and the external vulva / labia. CO2RE Intima uses laser energy to relieve the signs of aging and childbirth and the changes and symptoms women may be experiencing related to vaginal wellness.

What Conditions are Addressed with CO2RE Intma?

  • Treating dryness, itching, pain and dyspareunia associated with loss of estrogen
  • Treating Pigmentation, dystrophy and laxity
  • Restoring Vulva and Vaginal tone, flexibility and shape

Additionally, CO2 RE Intima utilizes a CO2 laser. CO2 lasers have been proven to remodel tissue with formation of collagen and elastic fibers in atrophic skin. CO2 technology also provides physicians with the ability to treat both superficial and deep skin layers simultaneously and with the precision control they need over the intensity, pattern and depth of ablation, which is very important for treatments to this intimate area.